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The Maracas Valley Action Committee (M.V.A.C.)

The online home of the Maracas Valley Action Committee (M.V.A.C)


General Meeting minutes, presentations and other pertinent documents will be posted here. Clicking the links below will open a new browser window. You need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view .pdf files. You can also save the documents to your computer by going to "File".."Save as" the new window.


MVAC/UND/GEF/SGP Final Report-Volume 1

MVAC/UND/GEF/SGP Final Report-Volume 2

MVAC/UND/GEF/SGP Final Report-Map of Study Area

MVAC/UND/GEF/SGP Final Report-Topography Map


Acono Public Consultation Meeting

Summary of Acono Quarry Public Consultation meeting held on Saturday, 15th September 2007.

Hand out from the meeting-Final Terms of Reference .


Annual General Meeting held on Sunday, 6th March 2005.


"An Evening with MVAC.html" (html)

This presentation contains useful facts about the Valley. It includes satellite images and compelling pictures of the results of destructive development.

"Maracas Valley in Crisis (12.4 MB)"

This PowerPoint presentation was the basis of our recent television appearance on CNC 3; we discussed the effects of increasing quarrying in the Valley.

Other Documents


M.V.A.C.'s consitution was formally accepted at the general meeting held on July 3rd 2005 and took effect from July 14th 2005.

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